A Closer Look at Your Detroit HVAC System

May 14, 2024

A Closer Look at Your Detroit HVAC System

Your HVAC system is responsible for maintaining comfort in your home, regardless of the weather outside. Every part of your system contributes in some way to your home’s air quality, which includes temperature, humidity, and cleanliness. Understanding how your HVAC system works and why each component is important is a big step toward improving your home comfort and reducing your monthly energy needs. Your Detroit HVAC service will be happy to answer your questions and provide personalized advice and service for every part of your home’s heating, cooling, and comfort system.

Heating System

During the winter, your home’s heating system takes center stage in terms of comfort. There are several types of central heating systems, including gas, electric, and oil furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps. Furnaces and boilers physically create warm air, which is then moved through your home by a blower, also called an air handler. Boilers and gas and oil furnaces create heat through combustion, and require a fuel source to generate heat directly. Electric furnaces use electricity to warm the air of your home, while heat pumps transfer heat from the air outside or the ground beneath your home into your living environment.

Cooling System

Air conditioners and heat pumps are the two most common home cooling systems. A central cooling system uses the same air handler as your heating system to distribute cooled air for comfort during warm weather. Central air conditioners are split into two components: an indoor evaporator and an outdoor condenser, which transfer heat away from your home via a refrigerant fluid. Mini-split ductless systems use this same technique to cool your home, as well. Heat pumps remove heat from the air inside your home and move it to the air or ground outdoors, working in the reverse configuration from their heating setting to provide cooling during the summer.

Air Filters

Your HVAC system incorporates at least one air filter, which acts as a screen to remove particles from the air inside your home. This filter is designed mainly to keep your HVAC system itself clean, but also plays an important part in cleaning the air you breathe as well. Disposable filters should be replaced every one to three months to ensure adequate airflow through the filter and effective air cleaning. If your home incorporates a whole-house filter, this system typically has an electrically-charged filter that is better at removing particles than a standard passive filter. The filter cartridge in a whole-home filter may be replaceable or reusable, depending on the system you have installed.

Air Ducts

Central HVAC systems make use of a series of ducts located inside your walls, floors, and ceilings to distribute air after it has been heated or cooled. The blower motor pushes treated air into the ducts so it can reach every part of your home. Thus, poorly-constructed, leaky, or blocked ducts can hinder your HVAC system’s function and affect your comfort in both the summer and winter. Excessive dirt and dust buildup inside these ducts can also contribute to poor airflow and lower indoor air quality. The best way to care for your ducts is to change your HVAC filter regularly and have your heating and cooling service inspect your ducts during maintenance visits to advise you of your ductwork’s ongoing needs.

Your Detroit HVAC system should serve your home for years with regular maintenance and timely repairs. Our heating and cooling technicians are ready to provide the personalized service you need—take a look through our website or check out our blog to learn more.

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Last Updated: May 14, 2024