Simple Tips to Improve Furnace Function

May 14, 2024

As the heating season fast approaches, it’s important to evaluate the function of your furnace. Taking a few simple steps can help your furnace heat your Detroit home more easily, reducing fuel consumption and improving comfort in every room, regardless of the temperature outside. If you have questions about your heating system and how to optimize it for better performance, your Detroit heating and cooling service will be happy to provide you with personalized tips for more cost-effective heating.

Improve the Control System

Your HVAC system is only as good as its control system. A programmable thermostat will improve the performance of both your heating and cooling systems by allowing you to completely customize your home’s comfort needs, calling for more heating only while you are present and letting the temperature drop slightly while you are away for energy savings and reduced wear on your furnace. Advancements in thermostat technology have also led to the development of “smart” learning thermostats, which will learn your habits and develop the most efficient heating program based on your specific needs. Although a smart thermostat is a slightly higher investment, it offers the greatest convenience and long-term energy efficiency for your furnace.

Check the Flame

If your furnace has a pilot light, it’s best to check the flame periodically. The color of the pilot light flame is indicative of the mixture of gases released by the burners, which affects the efficiency and even safety of the furnace. Under ideal conditions, the pilot light should appear steady and burn a blue color. If the flame flickers or appears yellow, orange, or any other color, call in your heating repair service to clean the apparatus and ensure that the right combination of gases is being used to provide the most efficient heating for your home.

Have Your Ducts and Insulation Inspected

Although not directly related to your furnace’s function, your ducts and insulation play an important part in heating your home. Because ducts transport the heated air produced by your furnace to the rest of your home, leaks or blockages affect the amount of heat that actually reaches your living spaces. If air is lost or blocked, your furnace will need to work harder and longer to produce the results you want. Similarly, if your home’s insulation is insufficient, heated air may be lost through your home’s walls and attic to the outside environment. This also requires more work from your furnace, which will affect its overall efficiency, longevity, and the risk of a breakdown.

As each fall approaches, it’s time to schedule your annual furnace tune-up service to prepare your home for an efficient heating season. You can reach our Detroit heating and cooling experts via our website to schedule service, or find more helpful tips to improve home comfort at lower cost on our blog.

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Last Updated: June 04, 2024