What Does It Take to Replace Your Furnace?

May 17, 2024

Replacing your furnace is a valuable opportunity to find new ways to save money and improve your comfort at home. Working with a qualified heating professional in Detroit offers you access to expert advice and the top-quality services you need to enjoy an efficient new furnace that will last for years to come. Whether you are concerned that furnace replacement may be around the corner or you’re ready to get started selecting a new furnace, knowing what it takes to replace your furnace can make this transition a smooth and easy one.

Selecting a New Furnace

Before you remove your old furnace, it’s best to have your new one on hand and ready to install. There are a variety of different furnaces on the market today, ranging from traditional gas, oil, and electric models to air-source and geothermal heat pumps. In many cases, the easiest solution during furnace replacement is selecting a new appliance that is similar to your old one. This eliminates the need for a new gas, oil, or electric line in your home, while still offering you the increased efficiency afforded by the newest models.

If you are interested in longer-term savings, however, it may be best to research heat pumps and hybrid heating systems to determine if these options appeal to you and could save you money on your heating bills in the future. Other factors that you should consider when selecting your new furnace include the furnace’s capacity and efficiency.

Choosing a furnace that is sized properly for your home will deliver the greatest energy savings and comfort—avoid over-sizing your furnace, as this will actually reduce the efficiency of your heating system. Because sizing a furnace can be challenging for the average homeowner, seek help from a local HVAC professional. Additionally, it’s important to note that furnace price generally increases with efficiency. By purchasing a furnace with the greatest heating efficiency you can afford today, it will provide you with the greatest benefits in the future.

Scheduling Professional Installation

Did you know that a significant portion of your furnace’s performance over time is tied to the quality of its installation? For this reason, we do not recommend installing your new furnace yourself. When you work with a trusted and experienced heating professional, you’ll know that your furnace is installed properly to give you the greatest heating efficiency, energy savings, and appliance longevity.

Prior to furnace installation, it’s a good idea to check the area around your furnace and make sure it is clear of furniture and stored items so your heating professional can access the area easily. If possible, schedule your furnace replacement for a time well in advance of the heating season—this will save you money on the cost of labor without compromising comfort by replacing your furnace on a cold winter day. Replacing your furnace before it fails will be a smoother, more convenient, and less stressful process.

With the right installation practices and regular maintenance, your new furnace will continue to heat your home efficiently for many years to come. You can find out more about heating and cooling maintenance, repair, and installation when you check out the articles on our blog. If you’re looking for personalized HVAC advice or are ready to schedule furnace installation in Detroit, stop by the Andy’s website to contact a trusted professional and get started.

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Last Updated: June 04, 2024